Battle Maps

Starting Cells

When a battle starts on a map, enemies and actors are supposed to have an initial cell position.
There are two ways to define a starting position.


The number of spawned enemies and actors depends on the number of available starting cells. If there aren't enough, not all of your troop or party will be instantiated.

With Region IDs

Region IDs is one feature of RPG Maker MV that let you tag map cells.
You can use very distinct region IDs to specify starting cells for both actors and enemies.
By default, actors starting cells are represented by the region 5, and enemies cells are represented by the region 1.
This can be configured in the plugin parameters. (Link to reference)
The usage is straighforward. Here's an example:
However, region IDs give you a poor customization over starting cells. If you want a deeper control, use events as described bellow.

With Events

An event with the letbs_starting_cell tag in its comment will be considered as a valid starting cell. The tag gives you more customization power:

type: actor/enemy
index: battler_index
id: battler_id
force_spawn: true/false
states: state1, state2, ...
<override: tag_name>
<add: tag_name>

When the battle starts, an entity, either an actor or an enemy based on an ID or its index in its group will be instantiated at the event position.
If force_spawn is set to true, the entity will be instantiated regardless of if it is available in the party or troop.
The nested tag letbs_starting_cell.override lets you add a notetag override to the spawned entity.
Here's a cool usage for it:

type: actor
id: 4
force_spawn: true
<override: letbs_ai>
teams: enemy
auto_controlled: true

This configuration override the letbs_ai tag with two new parameters. It's as if the spawned entity acquires this notetag:

teams: enemy
auto_controlled: true


This feature is based on the notetags overriding principle (link). So if you manually add a tag override later in battle, the entity will behave differently.

In practice, this configuration spawns an actor (id 4) that'll be considered as an enemy and which is played by the computer.

This is similarly how the letbs_starting_cell.add notetag works. It adds a notetag item to the entity's notetags inventory (link). This is also a good way to add an additional script execution:

type: actor
id: 4
force_spawn: true
<add: letbs_script(onBattleStart)>

Battle Events

Starting Battle

Last Updated: 4/20/2019, 5:44:17 PM